NYC bans smoking in public outdoor spaces

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NYC bans smoking in public outdoor spaces


Hopefully the entire county does this. ... 5184.shtml

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Re: NYC bans smoking in public outdoor spaces

Post by Raiderball »

:aaaaa30 :aaaaa30 :aaaaa30

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Re: NYC bans smoking in public outdoor spaces

Post by Boonedawg »

NCF, hopefully the next freedom erased from America is one you enjoy. One more step to being the land of the scared and home of the sheep.

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Re: NYC bans smoking in public outdoor spaces

Post by kantuckyII »

Seems kinda crazy to me. I mean, I understand the indoor because you ARE forcing other's to breathe your second hand smoke, the smell and such but these places? Just seems very crazy to me. I'll be stunned if they are able or even try to enforce this law......

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Re: NYC bans smoking in public outdoor spaces

Post by KVDW »

newarkcatholicfan wrote:Hopefully the entire county does this. ... 5184.shtml
i suppose you blame smokers for the fact that you are fat and ugly, too. :roll:

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Re: NYC bans smoking in public outdoor spaces


Nope I am fat because I like bad food and I am ugly thanks to having ugly parents. :lol:

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Re: NYC bans smoking in public outdoor spaces

Post by KVDW »

newarkcatholicfan wrote:Nope I am fat because I like bad food and I am ugly thanks to having ugly parents. :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: NYC bans smoking in public outdoor spaces

Post by caglewis »

The best part [and primary benefit] of the agony of quitting smoking [for over 2 yrs now] is that
THIS NO LONGER AFFECTS OR CONCERNS ME! I can go anywhere, do anything I want now and never feel "deprived" - that's an amazing "freedom" - never mind the financial freedom of eliminating a huge drain on my budget or the health benefits.
As far as "government" intervention in your choice goes - who do you think cleans up the litter of all kinds [I was a long-time smoker, but never a "litterer"] you leave in public places ? - those hateful "public employees" whose salary, benefits, and pensions are so exhorbitant and budget-draining!
Just fire them all and make everyone clean up after themselves - think how much it would save!

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Re: NYC bans smoking in public outdoor spaces

Post by KVDW »

and just think.... if cigarette smokers cleaned up after themselves, there'd be no more litter anywhere in the world. :lol:
i'll make someone a deal.....after the Bernie Mack (or whatever it is ?? ) basketball tournaments this summer i'll go around and pick up all the cigarette butts if you'll go around and pick up all the other litter..... including all the hot dogs and cotton candy FAT people regurgitate on the sidewalk after over stuffing themselves.
oooops... better hold off on firing all those public employees. :shock:

y'all's arguments are getting weaker and weaker all the time. :lol:

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Re: NYC bans smoking in public outdoor spaces

Post by Vladd »

KVDW wrote:and just think.... if cigarette smokers cleaned up after themselves, there'd be no more litter anywhere in the world. :lol:
i'll make someone a deal.....after the Bernie Mack (or whatever it is ?? ) basketball tournaments this summer i'll go around and pick up all the cigarette butts if you'll go around and pick up all the other litter..... including all the hot dogs and cotton candy FAT people regurgitate on the sidewalk after over stuffing themselves.
oooops... better hold off on firing all those public employees. :shock:

y'all's arguments are getting weaker and weaker all the time. :lol:
I am a non smoker, but it seems to me that we as Americans are losing our personal rights a little at a time. To me smoking ranks up there with the laws about seat belts. We should have the right to decide ourselves if we choose to smoke or to wear a seat belt.

As far as picking up trash. Why don't we use the people in jail to pick up trash and other work we have county workers do? If someone is in jail, they should be made to work for their keep and care. No they usually are taken care of and fed better than some of the people who are working their butts off with low paying jobs. In the recent years while traveling the side roads in the South, I have seen chain gangs working along the roads and side roads. As far as these prisoners rights, they certainly should lose some of them when they are convicted in a Court of Law and put in jail. Put their butts to work and cut down on the manpower our Counties have to pay for. Our jail population has grown to the point of bursting. It some of these people knew they might have to actually work if put into jail, maybe that would be at least another reason they would think before committing crimes. It would stop all of them, but the majority are lazy people and just lay around doing nothing but things are illegal. Like I have already said, it wouldn't be a fix all band aid, but it sure would help on some of the labor issues the Counties are faced with these days with all the budget and money problems.

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