Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

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Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by LucasJackson »

Never quite understood why Gays weren't allowed to marry.

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by kantuckyII »

Uh..because, marriage is between a man and a woman, not two people of the same sex. A small child knows that.

I know, I'll never say two people of the same sex are one should be forced to do so and that could come up as a problem in the near future for some people.

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by LucasJackson »

But why only between a man and a woman? What is the harm in two men marrying or two women marrying? Do you think if they allowed same sex marriage that everyone would be gay? Never quite understood why the law would not allow this. i understand the religious implications but not the law. By the way, ask any small child and they won't understand why either.

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Dinocrocetti wrote:But why only between a man and a woman? What is the harm in two men marrying or two women marrying? Do you think if they allowed same sex marriage that everyone would be gay? Never quite understood why the law would not allow this. i understand the religious implications but not the law. By the way, ask any small child and they won't understand why either.

I agree. People often confuse religious beliefs with national law.

It's only a matter of time before we will have gay marriage. It's not a question of "IF" but "WHEN".

Most of the people against gay marriage are older. There is a clear divide in generations on this issue. When the younger generation becomes the older generation, gay marriages will be legal.

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by kantuckyII »

Would it be against the law to say that you didn't recognize two people were married if they allow gay marriage? say on insurance forms or anything else like that? it would be totally against most people's religion to say that two people were married of the same sex. Anyway, small children know that boys marry girls and girls marry boys. They know that's the natural order of things. They are being forced to think differently today but in the back of their minds, they know that is the way it really is

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by JChipwood »

I agree 4ever............

I don't think for a minute that political views should be influenced by religious beliefs nor should religious beliefs influence political views especially voting issues. Religion does not a politician make because too many times we see people with "normal" religious beliefs that are in a political position make decisions and choices inconsistant with the Word. Political views and political views only should be viewed when selecting a candidate to vote for or against. Anyone can claim to believe a certain way but that certainly does not mean anything in terms of their true feelings or beliefs. Why do we not believe that politician A will raise taxes or vote certain ways on issues when they are campaigning but yet we believe them when they say they are Christian or Catholic or what have you??

Gay marriage is a "when" issue and much like most other personal choices as long as I don't have it crammed down my throat or it doesn't hurt anyone else I could care less. Individuals are accountable for there actions and I am certainly not the judge nor is any other mortal, including and especially politicians. Nearly everyone knows a gay/lesbian person, whether or not you know they are gay/lesbian is another issue.

Again it's a personal choice, and one that while not according to the Word, really has no affect on anyone else's life.

I don't see it as being forced to think differently rather seeing that they aren't being forced to marry the opposite sex. Allowing kids to be subjected to gay marriage isn't going to make them become gay and certainly won't increase gay/lesbian tendancies. It has nothing to do with what is going on around you but what is within a person.

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by LucasJackson »

I dont see where religion has anything to do with this. There are men who are straight and married who commit adultery and in many cases continue on in the pulpit after remarrying another woman. Now, in my opinion, that is just as "perverted" to me as i am sure a gay relationship is to some on here.

Some say people cannot get married because they are comitting a "sin." A sin in who's eyes? God's? We allow a man and a woman to marry after having sex with each other. Isn't that a sin in many people's eyes? Why are they allowed to marry? Why are adulterers allowed to remarry? Maybe beacuse of whom makes the laws?

For the USA to disallow gay marriage based on religion is just big time hypocritical.

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by kantuckyII »

If my Christianity isn't strong enough to influence my political and every other facet of my life then I would imagine I'd think it would be time to abandon it. Now, does that mean I'm (or anyone else for that matter) always a rock solid Christian and have always been? NO way...I'm saying that it should always, whether I yield to that or not? Is it not always Christ who is the faithful one in the relationship with the unfaithful believer though anyway?

Ok, say a person had a job where they had to record the martial status of people and homosexual marriage was allowed. Now, if two people who were of the same sex approached that person and told them that they were married, how would that person, if their a Bible believing Christian react to that? they couldn't list them as being married because Bible believing Christians KNOW that it cannot be. God will not honor that marriage, they are not married.

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by kantuckyII »

Would the law allow for conscientious objectors? Say they ran a condo set up where it was for married people only and they did not believe that two people of the same sex are married and never can be married, would they be showing discrimination then if they didn't allow them to purchase a condo?

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

kantuckyII wrote:Would the law allow for conscientious objectors? Say they ran a condo set up where it was for married people only and they did not believe that two people of the same sex are married and never can be married, would they be showing discrimination then if they didn't allow them to purchase a condo?

I think the law would say this was discrimination based on equal opportunity. It would be like saying the owner of the condo decided not to sell to an African American or Asian American. It would default to the same equal opportunity law. I think this is the direction this is all heading.

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by kantuckyII »

I don't think it would be. So, you have given me even a firmer stance against gay marriage. I'm sure they would probably try something like that too

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by JChipwood »

Um tobias I understand your point but a gay man's penis is not an M-16 nor does his presonal life have the devestating affect that guns have. I agree though that our sins are destroying society but sinners have made laws since Jamestown was founded so the destruction has been and always will be ongoing.

I do know this much, some people vote based on religious views and some of our "religious" leaders have committed some horrific sins and some have also been horrible politicians which have resulted in a destruction of our government. If our government is broken down internally by crappy politicians clinging to and winning votes based on religious views then the devastation resulting from that will ruin our great nation much quicker than any sin.

In short crappy politics hurt much more than our sins and affect every American, hence vote based on political views only. If you are against gay marriage then don't support the candidate that openly claims to be for gay marriage or abortion or whatever but don't assume anything, not all dems are for gays and not all repubs are against gays. Unless you here a person give his position on issues then you really don't know there beliefs. I have grown tired of hearing don't vote for that dem, he is for abortion or pro-gay marriage, that kind of blind ignorance has and will continue to destroy our nation. One thing I have learned about politicians is that we can only believe half of what they say but more importantly NEVER assume anything about them or their beliefs.

Just a side note, I am not gay nor do I see life from that standpoint but again I am not the judge of anyone else's moral values and certainly don't see where moral values should be entrenched in our laws when it comes to one's personal life (sex life).

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by kantuckyII »

I had to laugh recently over White House Communication's Director Dan Pfeiffer comments when confronted with the fact that Obama said several years back that he would fight against same sex marriages when he answered: "The president is against gay marriage but he is 'evolving' lol :shock:

Then, Carney said, 'he's (the President) been very clear about it, that it's evolving'

TOO FUNNY! Evolving? A darwin response to plummeting poll numbers...

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 24% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by LucasJackson »

So, you all realy believe that allowing gay marriage makes more people gay? How is allowing gay marriage destroying society. Whether they are married or not, they are still gay. Makes no sense. Why wouldnt you all want gay people to be just as miserable as other Christian married folks? Heck, 53% of Christian marriages end in divorce.

Should we allow people who are divorced due to infidelity, to remarry? Isn't that a sin? Isn't that "destroying our society?"

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by kantuckyII »

It's against nature

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by noreply66 »

Dinocrocetti wrote:But why only between a man and a woman? What is the harm in two men marrying or two women marrying? Do you think if they allowed same sex marriage that everyone would be gay? Never quite understood why the law would not allow this. i understand the religious implications but not the law. By the way, ask any small child and they won't understand why either.
Go out there in re-------produce

Lets say everyone is gay----look at all the unemployed there would be----????????

In about 12 years we wouldn't have a need for schools

Now look if we were all straight------------WOW

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by LucasJackson »

Again, you really think by legalizing gay marriage, people will be gay instead of straight? Unreal.

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by Chieftain »

I don't want to be drawn into a long debate as I'm leaving Friday for Ocean City, Md. for a week. So, I'll just leave this --

However this particular issue is very clear. With the rise of the Religious Right and the so called "moral majority", the bigots have made this one of the wedge issues that harms many on other issues as poor politicans are elected that screw over the Middle class/Poor on economic issues. What some one does with a willing partner in their private bedroom isn't any of my concern. And those who issue pronouncements based on their religious views are blowhards not worthy of any credibility.

But it seems fair that the old farts who have made this a divisive issue are dying out fast and younger, much more tolerant folks will usher in gay rights. If anything, it may not be a "marriage" per se, but rather a civil union for legal purposes and carrying the same rights. In a strictly legal point of view , its very hard not to say that two people, regardless of their same sex should not have the same rights as others of the opposite sex union. Clearly, a discrimination.

The real "sin" in this world is allowing someone to project THEIR religious beliefs on others and everyone and try to control them with it. Thats disgusting and clearly against what the Founding Fathers were trying to avoid. The holier than thou club should leave any "judgement" to their buddy god in the sky to handle at the right time, lol. Easy to say the hell, fire & brimestone crowd will be worm food shortly where they can't do any more harm to people. Better days are ahead for gay folks.
Last edited by Chieftain on Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by kantuckyII »

Again, it's against nature. Marriage is a boy and a girl thing. That's just the way it is

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Re: Gay marriage: why is it illegal?

Post by kantuckyII »

Nobody bats an eye about having separate men and women restrooms. No one should bat an eye about it being illegal to marry the same sex

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