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How to build links for better search engine ranking

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:59 am
by andre21
Link Building is an important part of Off-Site optimization. Cause depending on it your keywords are going to be rank in search engines. You need to build links in unique way so that your keywords are going to be rank high in major search engines. It’s worthless if you are going to build links in spammy way cause it’s not going to help you to get a solid position in search engines. You need to research about links which are most effective which are less. Not every link is going to be index in search engines but the quality one must be index by search engines.

There are many ways what people use to build links for websites. Such as Forum Posting, Blog Commenting, Article Submission, Social Media marketing, Social Bookmark, Directory submission etc. But question is if you are building links with them are they all going to be helpful? Even if you are building links in spammy way. I think no it’s not possible. Cause search engines are very smarter then the spammers. They are able to judge the links. So you have to be very careful about your link building service if you really want to rank high in search engines. Which method is most useful question is that. Recently Google updated Google Panda and Google Penguin. After those changes have been made people are really confused about link building.

You people don’t need to be confuse as long as you are building links in ethical way. But you build all your links in unethical way then it’s going to harm your ranking for your keywords for sure. What I always do when I build links for any website I use unique contents cause unique contents are very powerful and you can’t even imagine what they can bring for you. If you are going to write unique contents with real information’s and after that you are going to submit them in article directories and even as a Blog posting they are going to help you a lot. You don’t need to do article submission in all article sites cause that’s going to be spammy you can just do article submissions in major sites only. Instead of building 1000 links its better if you are going to use more unique contents and submit them in less sites. And in which sites you are going to building links without contents on that case you need to follow a simple rule build natural links on those sites. That means what people are discussing about just discuss on that topic don’t mess their discussion with your spammy comments or postings.

Re: How to build links for better search engine ranking

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:10 pm
by BigOrangeOne
Moved to "Links" forum.