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What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:51 am
by kidsarewhatmatters
So im hearing that the raiders may be looking for a new coach after just one season by Coach Quinn. Parents unhappy, school board members maybe involved who knows but i saw they had 0 kids voted to all district team. I always thought any coach deserves more than just one year.

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:02 am
by living in the hills
Such a shame get a good coach and only give him one season. i heard the board made the call to not renew lastnight. Maybe they can get Hill back. Or better yet maybe a board member can take over. And wonder why our program is the way it is. :122248

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:52 pm
by Golfer101
Good luck even finding someone stupid enough to take this job. This place has become a joke because of the people running it.

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:52 pm
by 4thnpine
lack of discipline?
player technicals arguing calls or no calls?
at least one player with multiple technicals and not being corrected?
rv getting bad rep around the area because of all this
that's what i hear and saw a little of

many didn't like hill's discipline so it makes sense some would support this

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:24 pm
by BlizzardMan
Not surprised. RV is a complete cluster. Bunch of spineless tools. For the record, I thought forcing Hill out was a mistake, but when you find a new guy at least have the marbles to back him.

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:32 pm
by BlizzardMan
4thnpine wrote:lack of discipline?
player technicals arguing calls or no calls?
at least one player with multiple technicals and not being corrected?
rv getting bad rep around the area because of all this
that's what i hear and saw a little of

many didn't like hill's discipline so it makes sense some would support this
I see your point, but that's not the real issue. These administrators have no interest in changing the culture at RV. They just want to throw coaches under the bus constantly.

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:04 pm
by Prep Expert
Quinn was the perfect fit for the rv culture. He didn't win. I'm not sure if even cared about winning. He played every kid, even if there were 20 on the bench, so rv parents were happy. He didn't discipline his players. Players with multiple technicals didn't lose playing time and that made the school look bad, as if it doesn't look bad enough with 20 years of losing. He was the perfect fit for the mentality of that community. I actually have to give administration credit for getting rid of him. They might be trying to tell the community that you have to have a disciplined program to win.

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:25 am
by kidsarewhatmatters
I actually thought Quinn was good for all the right reasons. He played 10-15 kids a game trying to learn what he had for the future and many were freshman or sophs on varsity. Also he works in admissions at rio grande so he will try to get kids in college for academics as well wouldn't you think? Plus he has obvious ties to some college coaches other than rio I'm sure. Looks like he might have been a touch lax on discipline because he saw how that didn't work for the previous coach. They did win more games than the last couple years combined and beat Chesapeake. Oh plus they lost to coal grove by 2 in the tournament and CG nearly beat valley in the district final.

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:49 am
by Regulator
Sounds like river valley can't make up their mind!! To discipline or not to discipline, that is the question.

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 8:25 am
by BlizzardMan
Regulator wrote:Sounds like river valley can't make up their mind!! To discipline or not to discipline, that is the question.
Exactly. What is their vision for their athletic programs? Apparently it is to create as little stability as possible. What a joke.

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:25 pm
by Dr Lou
kidsarewhatmatters wrote:I actually thought Quinn was good for all the right reasons. He played 10-15 kids a game trying to learn what he had for the future and many were freshman or sophs on varsity. Also he works in admissions at rio grande so he will try to get kids in college for academics as well wouldn't you think? Plus he has obvious ties to some college coaches other than rio I'm sure. Looks like he might have been a touch lax on discipline because he saw how that didn't work for the previous coach. They did win more games than the last couple years combined and beat Chesapeake. Oh plus they lost to coal grove by 2 in the tournament and CG nearly beat valley in the district final.
I agree, also most of the time, unless you are taking over a perennial power IMO, in your first year or "Transition" year you can not do everything you will be doing 5 years from that point or even 3 years from that point. This includes discipline, etc, you have to allow the program, and community to transcend with how you are going to do things, baby steps. So I do not know what the answer is at RV with all this being stated.

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 3:52 pm
by Regulator
Bring back Carl Wolfe ! Hey , howie Caldwell is available!!

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 4:21 pm
by Prep Expert
So what your saying Dr Lou is that it's ok for a player to get multiple technicals or cuss the opposing teams bench and not be benched?

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 8:51 pm
by BBallin fool
Who in the hell would take a job like that??? who did he rub the wrong way? man did they beat Peak this season you got to start some where!!!O or is it my kid should play good or bad sorry he has got to play 0-20 but he played.

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:33 am
by popeyes
It is sad too say that when quality coaches like OZ and Tom Barrick are asked to step away then why not get rid of a first year coach? Until administration tells parents and ignorant fans that THEY will make the hiring and firing decisions on what is best for the entire program and not on the petty wishes of some know it alls. Really in todays society why would any one want to COACH? Makes you wonder? Hats off to the guys that continued to battle the odds of todays POLITICS. Larry Jordan, Howie, Norm, Carl Wolfe, and i am sure there are others. This is not a profession for making friends but for being ridiculed regardless of the outcome. This is what WE have choose as a society and it is a SHAME. We live in a country that you have the right to speak and be heard. 90% of the people that complain have never player the game but know what is best. We have created a MONSTER and its not going away.

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 12:14 pm
by Regulator
POPEYES wrote:It is sad too say that when quality coaches like OZ and Tom Barrick are asked to step away then why not get rid of a first year coach? Until administration tells parents and ignorant fans that THEY will make the hiring and firing decisions on what is best for the entire program and not on the petty wishes of some know it alls. Really in todays society why would any one want to COACH? Makes you wonder? Hats off to the guys that continued to battle the odds of todays POLITICS. Larry Jordan, Howie, Norm, Carl Wolfe, and i am sure there are others. This is not a profession for making friends but for being ridiculed regardless of the outcome. This is what WE have choose as a society and it is a SHAME. We live in a country that you have the right to speak and be heard. 90% of the people that complain have never player the game but know what is best. We have created a MONSTER and its not going away.
Society and most administrators have no balls !

But , let me add, others need to step up and start standing up to these know it alls. Tell them to shut it !

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:59 pm
by Dr Lou
Prep Expert wrote:So what your saying Dr Lou is that it's ok for a player to get multiple technicals or cuss the opposing teams bench and not be benched?
No, what I am saying is discipline is not always associated with loss of playing time. That punishes the entire TEAM.

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:09 pm
by bevo
My 2cents I watched rv 2 times they looked like a total ship wreck no freshmen team 20 some kids out one of the best group of 9th graders in the area. Varsity ran no offense at all just look like they were playing school yard ball defense was a dbad unorganized zone. Usually when the kids want a unsuccessful coach to return there is no discipline.

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:36 pm
by Sid Farkus
School boards are outdated and should no longer exist. Each district should have a manager (supt.), but they should not have to answer to a group of (in some cases) uneducated community members who haven't a clue how to run a school.

Re: What is going on at River Valley now?

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:57 pm
by bevo
Sid Farkus wrote:School boards are outdated and should no longer exist. Each district should have a manager (supt.), but they should not have to answer to a group of (in some cases) uneducated community members who haven't a clue how to run a school.
Sid your a bit out of touch, what you want is a dictator who spends money has he wishes , hires who he wishes, appoints who he wishes? The system is fine rv has been a school with an excellent rating in academics"what you go to school for" learn.
Athletics is in decent shape as well, they dont have pay to play they have everything paid for. Sounds like a mess to me?? Richard Stephens will tke care of getting a good coach .